Why This ?

"10% |uC|< , 20% 5|<1||,

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5% p|345Ur3 , 50% p41N ,

4nD 4 100% r3450N 70 r3m3mB3R 7H3 N4M3"

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hide Your Data Inside A JPG Image

1) Compress your files to a .RAR file.

2) Copy this RAR file and a JPG image into any directory. e.g "C:\test"

3) Open command prompt.

4) Type the command "cd C:\test" to change the directory.

5) Then type "copy /B pix.jpg + data.rar final.jpg"
Here pix.jpg is the JPG file name
data.rar is your RAR file.
final.jpg is the output file name.

6) Now if you open final.jpg by double click then you will see an image, but if you open it by any archievinig software like Winrar then you will see you files inside it and you can access it also.

*Note = If there is a problem with opening RAR file then you can try any archieving format like .zip, .7z, .tar, .iso etc. to compress your data.

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