1) Choose a folder.
2) Rename it as follows.
If the folder name is "abc", the rename it--
3) Then just hide it.
(This is the CLSID ("{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") of unknown file. So
the folder icon chnaged to a unknown file)
-------------------- Unlocking---------------------
1) First unhide it.
2) Open command prompt.
3) If the path of your folder is C:\Docs\abc.
Here "abc" is your folder name.
4) Type "C:" to change the drive,
then type "cd Docs" to change the directory.
5) Type "ren abc.{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} abc"
to rename the folder.
6) Now you can access the folder.
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